January 2020…Looking Ahead for LWR Items

It may seem early to start collecting items for the Lutheran World Relief kits but it really isn’t.  We all like to plan ahead.  It is much easier if we do not feel that kit time has arrived and I don’t have the extra money in my budget to purchase the things I would like to provide.  With that in mind we are providing a list of items we always need so that you can purchase an item as funds are available or there is a sale and bring the items to the church to be added to the collection for the next LWR Drive.  Linda Smith has organized the cupboard with containers for each kit so we can keep up on what we have and what is needed.

Baby Kits

            Diaper Pins – regular diaper pins or sturdy pins of the regular diaper pin size

            T-Shirts or Onesies – Onesies can be cut off to provide t-shirt style

            Sleepers – no feet, up to 18-24-month size

            Gowns – up to 18-24-month size

            Socks – newborn to 18-24 months size

Baby Kits & Personal Care Kits

            Soap – Bar soap in the original package, Ivory preferred for baby kits

            Towels – hand and bath towels, light to medium weight, dark colors preferred

            Combs – Sturdy, no rat tail combs (tail can be used as a weapon)

            Tooth Brushes – in original wrapper, multi-packs can be separated and put in

                                            Business size envelope

School Kits

            Rulers – with inch and centimeter measurements

            Pencils - unsharpened

            Pencil Sharpener

            Blunt scissors

            Ball Point Pens (no gel ink)

            Crayons – 16 or 24

            Eraser – two inches (pink pearl suggested)
















ZLCW 2019 Thankofferings 

A Thankoffering service for Women of the ELCA will be held during our November 17th worship service. Thankoffering envelopes were placed in your mail boxes. If you are unable to make your donation on the 17th you may do so anytime during November. 

As we make our Thankofferings, we share in a tradition that goes back to the 1800s or even earlier. Then when it seemed that there was not enough money to carry out the work of the church, the women would act together as “cent” or “mite” societies. Each woman would set aside offerings at home throughout the year in thanksgiving for blessings received. And on occasion, the women would come together joining their offerings together to support ministry of many kinds. 

When Women of the ELCA was formed in 1987, we committed to continue this tradition of giving in gratitude for blessings. Each year, in thousands of congregations, Thankofferings are given to support the life changing ministries of Women of the ELCA. Together, we do more than we could ever do apart, in gratitude for all God has given to us, and with hope for all that is to come.



Warming Station closed at Zion

April 1, 2018

Starting February 1st, Zion’s Fellowship Hall was used as a Warming Station from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am. Neighbors Together stepped forward to be the sponsoring organization. The Warming Station Planning Committee organized all the details and volunteers. Each night throughout February and March there will was three shifts of two trained volunteers each hosting guests and overseeing operations. The Zion Church Council authorized this use of the building for a trial period of two months so the Warming Shelter Planning Committee could explore the need in Union County and do a trial run. 

There was no other use of the Fellowship Hall after 7:00 pm and before 7:00 am during this time. Our partner churches volunteered space for any groups currently using Zion in the evenings. 

Pastor Colleen Nelson

Zion Worshiped at St. Peter’s on February 11

Zion and St. Peter members worshiped together at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church February 11, 2018 at 9:00 am. Pastors and lay leaders from both congregations led the worship service. 

Coffee hour after worship was fun and inspiring as we discussed opportunities, challenges and feelings related to officially voting to call a pastor together.

A team of people from both congregations have been meeting together since last May to explore the possibility of forming a partnership to call a full-time pastor to serve both congregations. 

Zion Library Books Available!

The Library selections cover a variety of topics, and some are in large print format.  If you want to check out a book use the orange notebook and then cross out your name when you return the book.  Thanks to Suzanne Nelson for keeping the library reorganized!

Our Communities…

THANKS to Union County LGBTQ Community Group for hosting the Spring Computer Workshop for members and staff of ZION Lutheran Church.  For more information about regular Union County LGBTQ Community Group monthly meetings contact the Zion office

Zion Contributes Prayers and Funds

Members of Zion were saddened to hear that our newest ELCA Oregon Synod congregation, St Mary's Episcopal/Centro Montesinos in Woodburn, Oregon was broken into and vandalized recently. In response a special offering was taken and contribution made from the endowment fund totaling $1,525.






Sharing Our Faith through Local Service & Witness

SHYGA - ShareYourGArden Table available in the Fellowship Hall for donations of items from your garden to share with Zion members 


$$ donations will be given to Neighbors-in-Need or ELCA World Hunger as you designate

  • K-House: Every five weeks, we prepare, serve and share a home cooked meal with university students at the K-House

  • J-House: Funds and food are donated for the High School Students served by the J-House

  • Friday Backpack Program: Zion is a food drop site for the Friday Backpack Program. Congregation members donate food and raise funds to send children home with a balanced weekend meal

  • Mitten Tree: We gather and donate mittens and hats during the Christmas season for the Salvation Army

  • Bazaar: Each winter and spring the Zion Women sponsor a bazaar featuring local arts, crafts and food. Proceeds are distributed to local agencies as needed

  • Additional Benevolence: Seminarians, Oregon Synod (ELCA), Blue Mountain Cluster (ELCA), and Shelter from the Storm

Neighbors Together: Zion supports this important local ministry by gifting money, food and other items donated by the congregation. The economic crisis in the United States, especially in rural America, makes it even more important for us all to become actively involved in assisting those in need. Union County's unemployment rate is 6-7 percent -- food, shelter and other basic provisions are greatly needed. Neighbor’s Together is a non-profit organization in La Grande that helps meet that need.

  • Food Box distribution is the last Saturday of every month from 7:30 am to 10:00 am except when Saturday falls on a holiday, then it is the Saturday prior.

  • Fresh Alliance (local stores - produce, bread, and other products) items are distributed every Tuesday from 8:30 am to 9:30 am.

Neighbors Together is located at the back of Valley Fellowship at 507 Palmer, La Grande. Valley Fellowship is a participating member of Neighbors Together.

Thanks to Valley Fellowship for providing space for Neighbors Together. They are the source of the foodbox photo in the slideshow below.


Another great week of Christian Day Camp was provided for K-6th graders in  La Grande, Oregon - 2017

Five congregations and a leadership team from Camp Lutherhaven hosted Day Camp 2017 at Zion.  Past Day Camps have been a roaring success and Day Camp 2017 was great, too!

Volunteers provided snacks and lunch every day plus one person per day (5 total) helped with the program for the campers.  Middle and high school students were junior leaders. This multi-church collaboration is one of the high points of the year.  It won't be long until we are making plans for 2018!  If you want to be part of the fun - give our office a call and volunteer.

Our World…
Sharing Our Faith through Global Service & Witness

  • Sell Fair Trade coffee, chocolate, and tea so the farmers earn a fair wage

  • Provide scholarships for The Image Project: Maasai Girls School in Tanzania

  • Fair Trade crafts are sold throughout the year to support farmers and artisans around the world

  • Support Lutheran World Relief with layettes, school kits, health kits, sewing kits, and quilts made by the ZLC Quilters

  • Raise funds for World Hunger

  • Donate money to ELCA Good Gifts, to give a gift that makes a difference

  • Donate funds to ELCA Global Mission and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)